Group Mat Pilates Sessions
V Pilates Group Mat Session options to suit all needs.
Trial your first class for £13.50 before committing to the term block.
Pre paid term term blocks £13.50 per class *
Participate in a class, in person at V Pilates Studio.
Maximum of 10 participants per class
Attend a live class, streamed via Zoom, from the comfort of your own home alongside those participating in the studio.
A pre recorded class sent to you each week on a Monday to do as of when you can, each class available for one week. Please note this class offers no live interaction to support your technique and clients participate at their own risk.
*T&C’S: If you are unable to make any of the dates in the term block please let me know 24hrs in advance where there is an opportunity of attending a make up class subject to availability within the dates of the block, this can be a Mat class or a zoom recording of a Mat class to be forwarded to you available for a week. Unfortunately sessions cannot be carried forward to the next block. There are no refunds for any missed classes or late cancellations less than 24hrs in advance. If the government enforces any further closures all classes will be transferred online.

6:30pm - 7:15pm: In Studio & Live Stream
Core Health (Vikki)
7:30pm - 8:15pm In Studio & Live Stream
Dynamic Pilates (Vikki)

7:15pm - 8.00pm:
Pilates Technique (Alison)
*Class for beginners, or those suffering with back/joint pain
8:10pm - 8:55pm:
Dynamic Pilates (Alison)

Core Health (Vikki)
Pilates Movement Class Descriptions:
Core Health (suitable for all) designed to radiate strength from the inside, yet maintaining suppleness & ease on the outside. Re-balance strategies to support health.
Pilates Technique (suitable for beginners) to establish a base learning and understanding of the body and movements. Learn more about yourself and realise your greatest potential, explore possibilities and choices.
Key Benefits:
Learn to breathe well & calm the nervous system. Understand the internal dynamics of the diaphragm & natural core support.
Understand the organisation of the head, neck & shoulder alignment & how posture affects the load & forces on spinal segments.
Learn to lengthen the central axis of your spine, including awareness of your pelvic alignment to take the pressure off a compacted, compressed posture & provide an internal tensegrity system of support.
Learn how to house your spine in a balanced system of flexibility with a natural response of integrated deep core stabilisation. Deep core control is not just about engaging your abdominal muscles.
Learn about your ability to move the spine in a range of movements, offering availability and distribution of forces throughout the structure, and reduce wear and tear on over used segments.
Become aware of the alignment of the foot from the ground up, as the root of transmitted forces through our body.
Learn how to move well through a mindful awareness practice and whole body approach to support overall health & well being.
Dynamic Pilates (experienced movers) more challenging exercises and complexity, yet with the balance of a mindful approach.
Key Benefits:
Monday Dynamic Pilates, led by Vikki, offers a diverse approach to the Pilates repertoire, with particular awareness of the integrated whole, & balance of systems with larger ranges and complex movement.
Tuesday Dynamic Pilates, led by Alison, who has completed Runity: Pilates for Runners by Polestar Pilates Educator; Juan Nieto.
Running adds an incredible amount of load onto our bodies, & that load is only healthy if your tissues are prepared for it. Come & learn exercises that will improve & support your running technique, posture, flexibility & alignment for a more efficient & saver practice.
Move well and get fit to run.
Reset and Restore
In our busy world it is important to spend time with the "art of rest" that down regulates your nervous system from the damaging effects of stress and cortisol. Unplug at V Pilates in a calm, warm and relaxing environment and restore your natural energy.
This class is different to our mat classes already on offer where you "move less and be more". You will subtly move and reset for the first part of the class with rocks, stretches, arches and curls, and restore for the second, using guided relaxation techniques, that support you mentally as well as physically, a perfect end to your day. A blanket is required for the restore section where you are guided through a mindful gentle meditation to bring an internal sense of well being and balance to a very busy world we now live in.